
14I2O01 - Histology and embryology 2 (incuding molecular cell biology)

Course specification
Course titleHistology and embryology 2 (incuding molecular cell biology)
AcronymVeterinary Medicine
Type of studyIntegrated academic studies
Lecturer (for classes)
  1. prof. dr Anita Radovanović
  2. prof. dr Danica Marković
  3. doc. dr Ivan Milošević
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
  1. prof. dr Anita Radovanović
  2. prof. dr Danica Marković
  3. doc. dr Ivan Milošević
Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
    ConditionHistology with Embryology 1
    The goalAcquainting students with basic concepts of development and microscopic structure of different organs of domestic animals; acquainting students with types of placentas in domestic animals.
    The outcomeTo teach students to understand the normal structure of organs of domestic animals as well as basic principles of their development; to be able to use microscope in order to identify different organs and analyse their structure; to understand principles of placentation and to know basic morphofunctional characteristics of placenta of domestic mammals.
    Contents of lecturesBasic characteristics of development and microscopic structure of organs of different systems (circulatory system - 3; lymphatic system - 3; respiratory system - 3; integumentary system - 4; senses - 4; digestive system - 12; endocrine system - 3; urinary system - 3; reproductive system of males - 3 and females - 4); fetal membranes and placenta - 3.
    Contents of exercisesPresentation, microscopic analysis and sketching of histological structure of selected organs of different systems; placenta and presentation of development of some organs.
    1. Gledić D. Veterinarska histologija, Veterinarska komora Srbije, Beograd, 2012. (Original title)
    2. Marković D., Radovanović A. Milošević I. Lužajić T., Milošević S.: Histologija sa embriologijom 2, Praktikum, Fakultet veterinarske medicine CID, 2016. (Original title)
    3. Bumbaširević V. I sar., Histologija, Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu,2005 (Original title)
    4. Junqueira L.C. and Carneiro J., Osnovi histologije,tekst i atlas, Data status, 2005 (Original title)
    5. Eurell JA, Frappier BL: Dellman’s Textbook of Veterinary Histology 6th edition, Blackwell, Publishing, Oxford, 2006 (Original title)
    6. Pantić V: Embriologija, Naučna knjiga, Beograd, 1980. (Original title)
    Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
    LecturesExercisesOTCStudy and ResearchOther classes
    Methods of teachingTheoretical lectures with interactive learning using PowerPoint presentations. Practical lessons: 1) introduction and presentation of selected histological sections using PowerPoint presentation or microscope connected with camera; 2) individual work using microscope (analysis and sketching the structure of selected organs).
    Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
    Pre obligationsPointsFinal examPoints
    Activites during lectures5Test paper20
    Practical lessons10Oral examination50